Unaltered State

Good afternoon, My name is Katie Watkins, and I am the Healthy Students and Schools Coordinator at the Department of Education. I have the pleasure of promoting our partner, Idaho Public Television, with their newest campaign “Unaltered State,” an invitation to a substance-free life and community call-to-action to fight for a substance-free future for our Idaho kids. Please see their website for more information and share with your staff/families/students: https://www.theunalteredstate.org/


The advertising for this campaign was conducted in our beautiful state with some of our amazing Idaho kids. Feel free to print the attached posters to hang up in your school/district office buildings, student bathroom stalls, locker rooms, classrooms, etc. to help promote a positive, unaltered life.


If you have questions about this campaign or want more information, please reach out to IPTV director, Jennie Sue Weltner, at JennieSue.Weltner@idahoptv.org