Mock Accident Letter

As part of Red Ribbon Week, students at MHS witnessed a mock accident this morning on their way to school. We want to thank those who were involved in participating, including Life Flight, Oneida County EMS, Shawn Hamilton for supplying the vehicles, and the Oneida County Sherrif Department. Our hope this morning was to help students understand that driving under the influence, driving drowsy, and distracted driving can easily take a life. We aim to help students make intelligent decisions to prevent accidents with severe and life-changing consequences. We hope that this experience made them aware of these dangers.

We are grateful to our guest speakers today, Sarah and Chris Showell. They were willing to come and share their experience of losing a son in a car accident. We hope your students had a valuable experience this morning regarding this topic. In Idaho this year, from January 1 through October 27, there have been 222 people killed in crashes in Idaho; 74 of those deaths were people not wearing seatbelts.[1] The Idaho Department of Transportation urges everyone to be safe by paying attention and not getting distracted when driving.[2]

We encourage you to discuss with your children the importance of wearing seatbelts and not driving distracted. Please also remember that as it continues to get darker earlier in the morning and evening, clothing color for students at bus stops is important. Bright colors can help your student stand out and be seen by drivers. This is one more effort you can make to help keep your children safe while waiting for the bus.

We hope this experience will help us all be more cautious and aware when driving.

[1] Hadley, E. (2023, October 27). KMVT. Retrieved from KMVT:

[2] Mattila, E. (2023, October 26). Idaho Department of Transportation. Retrieved from Idaho Department of Transportation: