Attendance Appeal at MHS
Regular and punctual patterns of attendance shall be expected of each student enrolled at Malad High School. Student attendance at school is the responsibility of the parents/guardians and students.
Each time a student is absent, the absence will be recorded with the reason for the absence, i.e., work, illness, doctor, etc. Parental notification is required; however, the student is still counted absent. School approved activities are not considered an absence.
Every effort will be made by school personnel to keep the parent/guardian informed of student absences. Each semester a letter will be sent home when a student has three (3) absences and five (5) absences.
If a student has eight (8) absences another letter will be sent home to inform the parents that they will need to appeal for credit through written documentation to the attendance committee to determine if credit will be granted for the classes in question.
Appeals with appropriate written documentation will be due by the last day of the current semester. Upon review by the attendance committee, they will determine to either deny credits, approve credits, or place the student on probation according to School District Policy 3350.
If a student has a history of excessive absences he/she may be referred to attendance court for truancy.
If a student and his parent/guardian are not satisfied with the action of the attendance committee, they shall have two weeks to file an appeal with the Superintendent of Schools for a hearing with the School Board. The Oneida School District Board of Trustees shall have the final determination in all cases involving the “giving” or the “taking away” of student credit.
Students who transfer to Malad High School after the beginning of school shall follow the same 90% attendance rule. The percent allowed shall be computed from the day the student enrolls at Malad High School.
Fill out the form below
By Hand
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Fill out the Form
Please return to the MHS Office and give it to Wendy Owens
Fill out the Form on the computer using a
Return electronically by attaching it to an email and send to Principal Dallan Rupp at